Math Worm A math puzzle where your worm navigates a maze. Mark its tunnel by completing arithmetic equations. ...
Ctel Hacer un control de las conexiones que Ud efectua diariamente y calcular los tiempos de conexion, costos, etc, en forma manual no es justificable teniendo a disposicion computadoras a bajo costo y un software de control como CTel. CTel automaticamente calcula costos de conexion, estadisticas, y genera reportes que a Ud le permitiran conocer el tiempo de navegacion y los costos segun su empresa telefonica en un instante. Todos los costos de pulsos, linea 0610, planes de horas libres , en fin , todos los esquemas tarifarios, con sus horarios ya se encuentra incorporados en CTel y se actualizan en forma automatica desde la ventana de preferencias. CTel puede actualizar los datos de los distintos esquemas tarifarios y agregar nuevas planes/promociones disponible con solo pulsar un boton. ...
Can Easily Developers
Mixed Up Math A mathematical puzzle where equations are all mixed up. One solution per puzzle. Find the correct equations to solve the puzzle. Equations run in various formats like boxes, crosses, diagonals, mazes. Equations go in all directions - follow the arrows. Limit the highest numbers and optionally get clues to the correct numbers. A fun way to reinforce math or just use your logic....
Datacation Math Flashcards Use the Datacation Math Flashcard system to learn basic math functions of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division directly from your PC. With old style hand held flashcards users had to manually flip cards over to reveal the answers. With Datacation flashcards the user clicks a button with their mouse to reveal the questions and correct answers. There are 231 flashcards in each of the flashcard math function programs (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division) for a total of 924 flashcards in the Datacation Math Flashcard system! Obviously this can be a lot of mouse clicking after practicing a while. Selecting the hands free Strobe option can save your fingers and hands from cramping up after you've been clicking for some time. In the past a person using old style han...
Aji2000 AJI2000 includes calculations for geometry, mass, wieghts, various conversions, expansion, and home taxes. Even find the cost of driving your car or your actual hourly pay!...
Datacation Kids Math Flashcards Datacation has created the Kids Math Flashcards system for a fun way of teaching kids the basic math function skills of, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. Kids love to play games on the computer so using the Datacation Kids Math Flashcards system will not only give them hours of enjoyment but teach them the basic math skills in the process. Parents will be giving their children the tools they need to help them in school and later on in life. With four playful and colorful screens in each of the math function areas, kids will have more fun learning than you thought possible. Each math screen is unique and different giving kids hours of entertainment and learning. Gently teaching kids the fundamentals of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division by practicing....
Golf Course Math Golf Course Math is a handy program that not only performs common as well as complicated calculations for you, but also explains how to do them. It covers a wide range of computations such as: Area Volume Fertilizer Requirements Pesticide Requirements Sprayer Spreader Calibration Irrigation Water Requirements Conversions Tables ...
Leoanalyst no more technical support...
Conversion Tables Want to know how many seconds are in a century or how many tablespoons are in ten gallons? Conversion Tables will convert most metric and standard measurements instantly. Measurements included are area, density, distance, energy, liquid, pressure, speed, temperature, time, volume and weight. Simply enter a value and select the unit of measure, and Conversion Tables will display conversions for a variety of related units. Also, you can calculate costs on some of the conversions....
Vcr Thing Need to program your VCR, but don't have a TV listing with the VCR programming codes handy? Use VCR Thing to generate VCR programming codes. A unique user interface allows you to enter the date, time, channel and duration of the program you wish to record. It then displays the VCR programming code. ...
Leocalculator LeoCalculator is an application for performing calculation of mathematical expressions that could include basic operations but also functions, brackets and definitions of variables. To complete registration you need to know the Registration ID for the installed product on the computer you plan to use this product on. If not yet download you can do free here: Push the button "Registration" and read it on the appeared dialog box. You will get your password (reg code) at once after confirmation of payment and with it an unlimited access to all LeoCalculator features....
Leoreport LeoReport is a software application for generating inspired report-ready graphic presentation of statistical analysis of diversity of data. It's fast, portable, user-friendly with intuitive interface. LeoReport can create: a histogram of variable distribution with comparison Student and Poisson probability functions; two arguments distribution with 3D and color map presentation; curve fitting with quasi linear function using constructor like, user defined or selected from list interfaces as well with any given function; signal revealing with emphasizing on chromatogram case; 3D and color map presentation of function of two arguments with plane and parabolic approximation; multiarguments function regression and near neighbors method. It permits universal data import from database table, ...
Leostatistic Statistical analysis of experimental data. Elements of artificial intellect in choosing of applicable presentation schemes for given combination of numbers of arguments and values with flexibility for user to compare data with diverse of formulas. Statistical schemes incorporate distribution of one variable with comparison T and Poisson probability; two arguments distribution with 3D presentation; curve fitting with constructor like and user defined styles; signal revealing with special emphasizing on chromatogram case; 3D presentation of two arguments values with plane and parabolic approximation; multi-arguments approximation and near neighbors method. A result chart could be printed and/or saved as a bitmap picture. Application also permits placing of approximation formulas in the ch...
Stfmath STFMath (ex SunCalculator) is a multipurpose math utility, suitable not only for students, but also for engineers, professors, or anyone interested in math. With STFMath it is possible to: Graph Mode Draw Cartesian standard or parametric (Y = F1(K), X = F2(K)) and Polar functions. Draw Integral and Average Evaluate function Perform function analyze Calculate intersection of two functions Calculate and preview integral Calculate 1st derivative and average Draw and calculate equation of tangent or normal Save drawn graph as an image (bmp, wmf, jpg), or copy graph to clipboard and paste in external applications Insert textual labels into the graph, print graph or graph history, adjust graph attributes Build a table of values and publi...
Bio Rhythms Bio-Rhythms calculates the high, low and critical periods of your emotional, intellectual and physical cycles with an optional master cycle to give you an indepth look at what's in store for you.. Compatibility charts can be calculated for any two poeple in the bio-base and interpretations are available in English, French and Spanish. Enter your name and birthday into the birthday database, click on Bio-Charts and you're on your way to an exciting world of self-discovery through bio-rhythms. Easily see when you're at your peak or when you need to take extra care. Check when the best time would be for that dentist's appointment or your son or daughter's wedding. Don't worry about going too far into the future: Bio-Rhythms can display 97 years worth of cycles on your screen at one time, and...
Evaluator Plus Evaluator Plus is a powerful multiline expression calculator. Designed for simple and complex mathematical evaluations. Wide number of tools help to make a calculation easy and fast. The Evaluator's skins makes interface nice and intuitively uderstandable. Support many arithmetic operations and functions. It may use different numeric system for display of evaluation results. For complex and repeating calculation you may use variables. Value of variables can be modified without changing of main formula. Often using formuls may be added to favorite list. All operations duplicate for mouse and keyboard. Hot-key and/or Num-Lock activation also supported....
Calc Add A calculator and adding machine with many features including: the ability to stay on top; commas in the entry box; Micro Window; toggle between two window sizes; Tape Display (history), saving, printing and annotating; and a Stationary Decimal....
Utilities Printers
Quick Calculator Quick Calculator is an easy to use calculator program for Windows 95/98/NT. It provides many scientific functions, entry and (re)edit of complete mathematical expressions, easy use of the keyboard, on-line help, extensive error messages, binary and hexadecimal calculations, etc. Because the program can be used together with a Braille controller, it is also a useful tool for blind people. ...
Random Number Generator Random Number Generator is a Windows based application designed to generate random numbers.Program allow users to do choice lower and upper limits and increment of the numbers.Limits can be positive or negative values. User can exclude digits from generated random numbers.Random numbers can be edit and copied to the clipboard for pasting into other applications. Random Number Generator can print all random numbers or save numbers as file. Random Number Generator will generate to 2500 numbers at the time. ...
Math N Flash Version2 A math flash card game that can print addition, subtraction, division and multiplication worksheets. Set the complexity, number of cards and any combination of math functions. Can also print and save a graded report of each game. Time can be counted up or down with separate time for total game each card. Large numeric graphics that are easy to see. Screen shots and features at
Great Works Of Art The Impressionists Beautiful note and greeting cards featuring the paintings of the famous Impressionists, CAİzanne, Monet, Renoir, Degas and others. Cards are formatted and ready to print. This extensive collection can be used over and over again. You may never have to shop for another card....
Think It Sure
Rafterman RafterMan is a 32-bit program that figures rafter lengths. You simply enter the span and RafterMan gives back: Common Length Hip/Valley Length Jack Lengths Ridge Height For split-pitch roofs: Degree of plumb-line for Hip/Valley Jack bevel-cuts RafterMan also includes: Feet/inch calculator Online Support You can run all the roof sections one right after another and then save all to file to pull up later or you can print them out to be used on the job site. Please give RafterMan a FREE 30 day trial by downloading it today. A note from the author. RafterMan has been in development and gone through changes with operating systems for a period of 17 years. I have used RafterMan on literally hundreds of roof systems and it has been tried and found true. I have been a framing co...
Homemail Home Edition HomeMail enables you to send emails either within one computer or among computers within a local network. Instead of sticking a note on the screen or fridge, send the message by email! If you need to give some file to your wife/husband/kid, send it as an email attachment instead of explaining to him/her where to find them in the directory structure of your hard-drive or shared folders....
Graphcalc In the beginning, there was GraphCalc. It was free, and things were good. Then we, the authors, started incurring many expenses. We asked for donations, but didn't receive enough to cover our costs. So, it is with a sad heart that we must declare GraphCalc as shareware. If you use GraphCalc for more than 30 days you must register the software. It's just $20. So please consider supporting us. You can either use a major credit card to order (see form below), or send check or money order for $20 to: Mike Arrison 118 Mill Grove Dr. Norristown, PA 19403 Oh, and by the way, all upgrades to future versions of GraphCalc are free! ...
Graphcalc In the beginning, there was GraphCalc. It was free, and things were good. Then we, the authors, started incurring many expenses. We asked for donations, but didn't receive enough to cover our costs. So, it is with a sad heart that we must declare GraphCalc as shareware . If you use GraphCalc for more than 30 days you must register the software. It's just $10. So please consider supporting us. You can either use a major credit card to order (see form below), or send check or money order for $10 to: Brendan Fields C-0263 Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 17837 ...
Bible Decoder Few claims have received so much attention and stirred up so much controversy as the findings of the Bible codes. These suggest that embedded in the Bible are secret codes that reveal all events - past, present and future. Bible Decoder was created to enable anyone to investigate the Bible text and search for possible codes. The following are just a few of the features the software offers: * Blazing fast code search engine. * Unique ability to perform code searches on texts other than the Bible, in order to compare findings. * extremely fast searches for English or Hebrew words within the Bible text. * Synchronized view of Hebrew and English texts for each verse in the Bible. * Extensive help that includes explanations on the various code search methods as well as an introducti...
Oi A reminder program ...
The Shakespeare Collection A classic collection of inspiring and beautiful note cards that are formatted and ready to print as needed. These cards can be used for all occasions and all types of personal communication. With an impressive selection of quotes written by William Shakespeare, any mood, sentiment or thought can be conveyed with great power to friends and loved ones. Includes a printable envelope. Works on virtually all Windows, Macintosh and Linux systems....
Astrology Prophet Astrology Prophet is the program, which works by an unique astrological prophecy algorithm, based on calculation points for planets and houses in natal and composite horoscopes for transit of all planet. It allows to view all your life events (as significant, as not) with their exact dates and enhanced text characteristics, within any period as in the future, as in the past, calculated by transits of all planet. You will realize, that most of all your successes and failures as in business, as in personal life are defined by the Planets influence. In accordance with our tests, Astrology Prophet predictions are correct in 73.8% cases. We hope you don't mind that it is very good percent for fully automatic forecast. You will be able to make your future cognate, i.e. you will know what to ...
India Through The Eyes Of R K Laxman Then To Now INDIA THROUGH THE EYES OF R.K. LAXMAN -THEN TO NOW- comes with 250 of Laxman's finest political cartoons. Enjoy them in a Laughter Session, Schedule them, use them as Screen Savers and Wallpapers, and print your own 'YOU SAY IT' cards....
Shakespeare And The Bible Shakespeare and the Bible provides a personal library of beautiful note cards and greeting cards that feature inspirational quotes from Shakespeare and the Bible accompanied by wonderful pictures of birds in their natural settings. These cards are formatted and ready to print as needed. They can be used for all occasions and all types of personal communication. This extensive collection is inexpensive and easy-to-use. Always have that special card on hand ready to print and send at your convenience. Also, enjoy them as printouts for display on table tops and walls....
Several Put To
Family Gift Package Great gift for the entire family. Something for everyone. Includes award winning note cards, posters, organizer, calendar and e-picture book. Ideal for Christmas, birthdays or any holiday or occasion. Send to an individual or the entire family. Gift is immediately available for download to the recipient along with your personal message. Fantastic price, amazingly convenient. People will love your gift and think of you as they use it daily....
Nailsoft Alarm Clock Nailsoft Alarm Clock is a simple PC alarm clock with many great features. It has 6 seperate alarm's that you can set. It will play your custom music files (MP3, WAV, MID, etc.) Ideal for anyone who keeps their PC Running all the time....
Shakespeare Plus Shakespeare Plus combines two award winning programs into one low priced high value package. The Shakespeare Collection is already an amazing deal at $12.99. Now, for only 99 cents more you also get Life Organizer for a savings of $10 or 42% for both products. The Shakespeare Collection is a personal library of over 100 all occasion greeting and note cards featuring quotes from William Shakespeare along with illustrations taken from nature. Cards are written and ready to print as needed. Life Organizer is a simple tool that enables individuals and families to organize their lives. Comes with 12 bonus posters featuring moving quotes from famous authors....
Cards Plus Cards Plus combines two award winning programs into one low priced high value package. Cards Right Now lst Edition is already a bargain at $9.99. Now, for only 99 cents more you also get Life Organizer for a savings of $10 or 48% for both products. lst Edition is a collection of 210 all occasion greeting and note cards (birthday, holiday and more) with photographs and illustrations taken from nature. Cards are written and ready to print as needed. Life Organizer is a simple tool that enables individuals and families to organize their lives. Life Organizer comes with 12 bonus posters....
Super Amazing Super Amazing provides a complete library of beautiful note cards and greeting cards that feature original messages as well as inspirational quotes from Shakespeare and the Bible These cards are accompanied by wonderful wildlife artwork . Cards are formatted and ready to print as needed. They can be used for all occasions and all types of personal communication. This extensive collection is inexpensive and easy-to-use. Always have that special card on hand ready to print and send at your convenience. Also, enjoy them as printouts for display on table tops and walls. Over 400 cards in this extensive collection....
Power And Surfers
Cards Right Now Cards Right Now (1st Edition) provides a personal library of high quality greeting cards with a collection of over 200 cards for all occasions featuring photographs and illustrations from nature. These cards are written, formatted and ready to print as needed. Inside these cards are beautiful, moving and sometimes funny messages that will impress friends and loved ones. Also included are blank cards and blank cards with quotations that can be used for any occasion, holiday or personal message. With Cards Right Now there will always be that special card on hand, ready to send....
Timer Timer from is the perfect timing software to control hydroponics, relays, solenoids or lights from a computers printer port. This program enables the PC to connect to the outside world by using the printer port LPT1. Hardware can then be connected to the computer to control hydroponics, security lights, gardening and home automation using solenoids, relays and sensors. The unregistered version has limited functions. The registered version allows the user to control up to 24 channels via 3 printer ports. Being user friendly this application puts the user in a powerful position of operating devices set by time and day, with On, Off or Auto modes. A click of the mouse and your sprinklers can be watering, turn a light on, the options are endless. To use this ...
Auction Monitor 100 Day FREE trial with 5 FREE SMS text alerts, Monitors your items and your competitors, choice of sounds, pop up balloons showing new, winning and failed bids, NEW friendly wizard character to alert and guide you, search for ebay items from within the user friendly monitor screen.10 minute alert screen starts for that exciting auction finale, Snipe that last second bid, eBay UK, USA, Canada and Australia...
Timer Multiple Switchings With Pulses In Minutes Timer from is the perfect timing software to control hydroponics, relays, solenoids or lights from a computers printer port. This program enables the PC to connect to the outside world by using the printer port LPT1. Hardware can then be connected to the computer to control hydroponics, security lights, gardening and home automation using solenoids, relays and sensors. Being user friendly this application puts the user in a powerful position of operating devices set by time and day, with On, Off or Auto modes. A click of the mouse and your sprinklers can be watering, turn a light on, the options are endless. This modified file is the same as the original Timer program but has an additional pulse timer in minutes for each output and all outputs (channels) can...
Recallplus Use RecallPlus study software to learn faster by changing optimal learning theory into your study habit. This Educational Software improves study technique in 10 ways. Organize notes as diagrams, draw and import images quickly and easily, record sounds in seconds. Make notes that reflect your thoughts rather than how a word processor works. Program TESTS you, taking advantage of optimal revision timing. Revises only what is necessary depending results. Study time need predictions given. Your study behaviour observed and simulated up to the time of an exam results graphed out in a report. Ultimately this note-taking study method combines flashcard revision and concept maps in a unique hybrid. Specifically, this study software tests you on concept maps like typical flashcards. Organiz...
Land Of Confusion Mp3
Keyboarding Coach The Keyboarding Coach is a fun and challenging way to improve your typing speed and accuracy! Nine separate games help you to practice all of the skills necessary to become fast on any keyboard. Each game is equipped with a Hall of Fame so that you can constantly challenge yourself or compare yourself against others in your home or school. We guarantee that your typing skills will improve if you use this program!...
Investigation Kit Access investigative tools from the privacy of your own home. This program allows you to tap into the very same information sources that are used by private investigators and law enforecers over the Internet. You get CYBER INVESTIGATOR and CRIME FILES with your download....
Lavamind Study Center Sat Psat Act Exams LavaMind has created a test preparation program designed to increase student SAT I, SAT II, PSAT and ACT scores. Our Online Study Center has an extensive list of features, including interactive quizzes, tutorials, frequently used word quizzes, critical word exams, vocabulary tests, and extended online resources....
Nature Clock Nature Clock analog clock with eight fighter skins, which includes reminder and time synchronization. What our clock can do for you Time synchronization allows you to be accurate all the time Clocks brighten up your desktop and your work It is easy to run screen saver from clock when you are leaving your workplace for a lunch. Using our clock you make an own style for your work place or home PC You will not tired of clock because of it has several skins. And clock can change skin automatically every minute, hour, day or week. Our clock attracts attention of people who is not familiar with computers. You can use clock as a hiding-place. Put clock over short cuts to your favorite games (or other programs). By using our clock you tell everybody that it is not just a ...
Funny Money
Navtools Route Version 4 Complete voyage planning utility for merchant navy vessels or yachts. Includes unlimited number of waypoints, NMEA connection to GPS (not compulsory), automatic logging of vessels progress, AMVER/AUSREP and other reporting systems, average weather enroute, hurricane tracking, and calculation of most fuel efficient engine settings. Please note this shareware utility can be tested for free during 30 days before you need to decide whether or not to buy a licence key. We do not refund keys if the software was not tested prior sale....
Navtools Stormtrack Calculates the closest distance of approach and relative track of one or more tropical storms to your intended sailing route. Uses the same database and data as NavTools Route voyageplanning but can be used as standalone application. Data on routes and tropical storms can be shared among other users of this application. ...
Faq This FAQ was written specifically for people from California who are legal medical marijuana patients under Proposition 215. ...
Navtools Gps Connect your GPS to your PC via a NMEA serial connection. Includes automatic logging of vessels progress, route planning with unlimited number of waypoints, average weather enroute, and position reporting. This application is compatible with the NavTools Route voyage planning system and can sail routes designed using NavTools Route, or voyage planning can be done from NavTools GPS itself. Please note this shareware utility can be tested completely for free during 30 days before you need to decide whether or not to buy a licence key. We do not refund keys if the application has not been tested prior sale....
Goa Goa is one of the top funfilled destinations on the planet. It has a huge natural expanse of beaches that is one of the most beautiful in the world. The clean blue waters of the sea, the open-armed hospitality of the natives and fun-filled carnivals attract tourists in throngs from all over the world. Experience the breathtaking beauty of Goa on your desktop with this application....
Horoscopes 2006 Horoscopes 2006, print high quality scrolls and greeting cards based upon any birth date between 1900 and 2005, choose from 3 different scroll/card designs designs to produce the perfect gift for friends family. * Easy to use Interface * 3 Unique high quality scroll / greeting card designs printed from within the software * Developed especially for the UK, USA and Australian markets * Supports any birth date between 1900 and present day * Print scrolls/greeting cards to give to friends family on any special occasion, the PERFECT GIFT! * Free Updates * 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ...
Unit Conversion Tool Unit conversion tool can convert about 250 various types of measurement units from one system of measure to another. It can convert Length, Weight, Volume, Area, Density, Power, Time, Count and other units. Unit conversion tool is scientific software and developed for fast and easy unit conversion....
On This Day In History 2006 On This Day in History 2006, print high quality scrolls and greeting cards based upon any day in history between 1900 and present day, choose from 12 different scroll/card designs to produce the perfect gift for friends family. * Easy to use Interface * 12 Unique high quality scroll/greeting card designs printed from within the software * Support for Birthdays, Weddings, Christenings + MORE! * Developed especially for the UK, USA and Australian markets * Supports any day between 1900 and present day * Print scrolls/greeting cards to give to friends family on any special occasion, the PERFECT GIFT! * Free Updates * 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE...
Annual Registration Fee For Active Membership Of Stayfree Holiday Club Annual Registration Fee for active membership of Stayfree Holiday Club - a fully automated on-line International Holiday Home Exchange Organization with members in over 30 countries. ...
Mind Prober Learn the Real Truth About Yourself and Everyone Else With Mind-Prober 3.0! The World's Most Popular Personality Software Ever Do you wish you understood yourself better? Have you ever wondered if you've chosen the right career, the right mate, the right lifestyle? Are you interested in the meanings of your secret thoughts and dreams? If questions like that intrigue you, get Mind Prober 3.0 the latest version of the best-selling personality analysis software of all time. With this program, you can instantly understand your own personality as well the hidden parts of others. You'll gain insight into the inner workings of your mind--and learn more than you ever imagined possible. Mind Prober 3.0 contains professional personality programs that can help you gain powerful insights in y...
Annihilates Using Them
1 Abc Net Personal Diary In times when many people like to publish their thoughts and ideas in so-called web blogs that can be read by everyone, no-one seems to care about the normal meaning of diaries and the words and stories that are written in it. The general sense of diaries is to keep all these things private. Maybe the author wants to make it available to an external reader from time to time, but most of the time the content is not meant to be seen by anyone. Personal Diary was designed especially for this need! This fast and easy-to-use product allows you to write down your thoughts every day to a password-secured file that is saved with a special encryption engine so that definitely no-one but you can open and change it without the knowledge of your password and without your permission. Besides ...
Refmaker 32 Creates, stores, searches, and edits a bibliographic database and automatically creates a reference list. It's a great tool for research reports, theses, and essays. It allows you to create as many different databases as you like, in Microsoft Access format. It also supplies a full-function document editor, with which you can write reviews or articles easily with the assistance of the relevant bibliographies. The document files generated from RefMaker 32 are fully compatible with Microsoft Word. A toolbar and well-organized interface make the program easy to use. ...
Family Job Jar Throw away the honey-do list. No more hassle when you have to assign household chores. Blame it on the Job Jar. You fill the job jar with jobs that need to be done. The job jar randomly assigns the jobs. Jobs are rated by priority. Users draw a job and credit is given to them for that job. The program keeps track of who does what and how much. Print report of jobs chosen and the date and who chose them, also use as a check list. View a pie chart of jobs finished....
Securenet Pro SecureNet Pro is a powerful Internet Security educational software that teaches you the secrets of providing the best protection for your computer against Internet security threats and keeping your personal, secret information secure with a few simple, "easy-to-understand" techniques and principles. You will learn how to safeguard your computer on the Internet so that no viruses, spyware, malicious hackers, identity thieves, etc. can penetrate into your computer to damage your system or steal your private information. Best of all, you will learn all these techniques and strategies in a wonderful interactive environment with beatifully-designed animations. SecureNet Pro introduces 21 of the hottest internet security topics defined in detail. It is full of examples, killer techniques, ti...
Mms Dvr Client Intertraff MMS-DVR is an IP-Surveillance software that works with network and analogue cameras to provide video monitoring, recording and event management functions up to 16 cameras. With Intertraff MMS-DVR running on your Personal Computer, you may monitor your cameras, record high quality digital video either continuously, on schedule or on motion detection. MMS-DVR increases the security of your premises and set a milestone in CCTV software applications being able to detect any motion in a set of static images and delivering those changed frames to a mobile phone via MMS. Intertraff MMS-DVR also offers an easy way to search for recorded events. On top of that the software application has a playback feature that enables users to view recordings from any camera get a comprehensive p...
Namz It's happened to us all. You meet someone, chat briefly and then..... the moment of truth. Another friend walks up and you have to introduce the two people. Their name is gone from your mind!Not a good feeling at all. Nothing makes a person look more unprofessional or insincere than not remembering a name. This application will help you remember names by association. An area to record the associated phrase, object or sketch is provided. An area to record any other notes relating to that person is also included. You can enter as many names as you want as there is no entry number limit. Very useful application! ...
Mms Dvr 4 Intertraff MMS-DVR is an IP-Surveillance software that works with network and analogue cameras to provide video monitoring, recording and event management functions up to 4 cameras. With Intertraff MMS-DVR running on your Personal Computer, you may monitor your cameras, record high quality digital video either continuously, on schedule or on motion detection. MMS-DVR increases the security of your premises and set a milestone in CCTV software applications being able to detect any motion in a set of static images and delivering those changed frames to a mobile phone via MMS. Intertraff MMS-DVR also offers an easy way to search for recorded events. On top of that the software application has a playback feature that enables users to view recordings from any camera get a comprehensive pi...
Lemon Detector This handy application will instruct you on what to look for when buying a used car. Follow the 10 steps and answer the questions in each step. The vehicle in question will be rated out of a possible 100 points. Compare the automatically calculated total with the guide and "Detect the Lemons" . It will also allow you to store vehicle data in tabular form and compare with other vehicles you are looking at. Very easy to use even if you don't have much mechanical knowledge! ...
Mms Dvr 8 Intertraff MMS-DVR is an IP-Surveillance software that works with network and analogue cameras to provide video monitoring, recording and event management functions up to 8 cameras. With Intertraff MMS-DVR running on your Personal Computer, you may monitor your cameras, record high quality digital video either continuously, on schedule or on motion detection. MMS-DVR increases the security of your premises and set a milestone in CCTV software applications being able to detect any motion in a set of static images and delivering those changed frames to a mobile phone via MMS. Intertraff MMS-DVR also offers an easy way to search for recorded events. On top of that the software application has a playback feature that enables users to view recordings from any camera get a comprehensive pi...
Moolaminder This application will allow you to keep track of transactions and current balances for checking, savings and three other cards/accounts. Fields include date, description, amount and any notes you would like to add to each transaction. It also has a budget planner that will calculate your surplus....
Toolbox Their See
Shopper 1 1 Simple check list application to get rid of little scraps of paper. Use your hand held PC for your everday shopping or use it to remember the mp3s you want to download when you are away from the internet....
Mms Dvr 16 Intertraff MMS-DVR is an IP-Surveillance software that works with network and analogue cameras to provide video monitoring, recording and event management functions up to 16 cameras. With Intertraff MMS-DVR running on your Personal Computer, you may monitor your cameras, record high quality digital video either continuously, on schedule or on motion detection. MMS-DVR increases the security of your premises and set a milestone in CCTV software applications being able to detect any motion in a set of static images and delivering those changed frames to a mobile phone via MMS. Intertraff MMS-DVR also offers an easy way to search for recorded events. On top of that the software application has a playback feature that enables users to view recordings from any camera get a comprehensive p...
Reminder This very handy application will allow you to set any # of reminders throughout the day, week or year. Set it to remind you to pick up milk on the way home from work, everyones birthday, special events or ANYTHING you want. When the alarm goes off it will bring up the notes you entered for that event. View all entries or select them individually. Extremely easy to use! Great application for minimal cost...
Vehicleminder This application will track all of your vehicle expenses and MORE. There is a calculator that will convert miles to kilometers and reverse. Mpg and km/l can also be calculated. Along with fuel and repair logs it includes the ability to set service reminders for whatever mechanical work you want to schedule. A travel section is also available that will track all your trip expenses. During that long car trip the kids can play the three games that are in the application. A counting game, sketch area and X's and O's are all part of this software. This complete car expense tracking program also inlcludes a section to record particulars and draw a sketch if you are involved in an accident. ...
Puzzle Full License
Homemail Professional Edition HomeMail enables you to send emails either within one computer or among computers within a local network. Instead of sticking a note on the screen or fridge, send the message by email! If you need to give some file to your wife/husband/kid, send it as an email attachment instead of explaining to him/her where to find them in the directory structure of your hard-drive or shared folders....
Automobile Tracker Program Code This straightforward program lets you enter and track information about your automobile. Maintenance reminders bases on mileage and/or dates can be displayed....
Sublime Elite Edition 2005 Thank you for choosing to register Sublime Elite Edition 2005. You have selected an excellent product designed to help you improve your quality of life for years to come. Immediately after ordering you will receive a registration code which you will use to register the program. Entering this code into your copy of Sublime automatically removes the trial period restriction and entitles you to free upgrades for life. Additionally, registered users of our products receive reduced prices on other programs and will be able to access the Members area of our new web site (coming soon!) which will include Freeware products, additional message files for Sublime and other interesting items. Click the Order Now button below to finish placing your order. You will receive the registration code...
Anniversary Bios Create your own personalized Anniversary prints. This software creates as many attractive prints as you would like. Save money by sending these prints instead of anniversary cards. Save money by sending these prints instead of anniversary cards. Increase client retention by sending these with your logo and contact information in them. Customers keep these prints and even show them to friends....
Rmrtv Nokia Tv Listing Manager RMRTV allows you to keep track of the television programs you wish to watch and/or record. For each day you can define the programs, with the associated channels and timings. If the program is a series you can specify it as a repeated entry and then it will automatically appear on each of those days. A program can also be annotated as 'recording' if you don't intend to watch it immediately, and you can also use the built-in alarms to warn you to turn on the video recorder (9210 only)....
Exciting Approach
America America is a easy and handful application which combine four applications in one. These applications give you the tools for all the outdoor, traveling, North America train routes and more. Plus, support of customize and upload your own maps. America comes with expressive colors, capacity to upload your own maps, over 20 maps of North America "Amtrak" train routes, personal trainer with a calculator of calories expended, a traveling organizer and information of American countries. America integrates 4 applications in 1. Find information of American countries. Further, it futures iTrip for travelers. Amtrak, which shows the train routes in United States. eTrail for outdoors lovers, where you can visualize maps, calculate your calories expended and more....
Pocket Atlas Sh3 Note: Trial version works only 15 days Description: Pocket Atlas is a mini atlas that you can load into your pocket pc and carry it with you wherever you go. It allows you to have all the countries information, maps, flags and even time handy whenever you need them. Pocket Atlas shows for every country a map( you can zoom in and out and compute distances), the country name, capital, current time, geography (coordinates, location, bordering countries, coastline, time zone, area and climate), people(population, growth rate, religions, languages, literacy, ethnic groups, nationality, sex ratio), government(official country name, capital, administrative divisions, government types, national holidays), economy(imports ,exports, fiscal year, currency, currency code), communication(telepho...
Pocket Atlas Mips Note: Trial version works only 15 days Description: Pocket Atlas is a mini atlas that you can load into your pocket pc and carry it with you wherever you go. It allows you to have all the countries information, maps, flags and even time handy whenever you need them. Pocket Atlas shows for every country a map( you can zoom in and out and compute distances), the country name, capital, current time, geography (coordinates, location, bordering countries, coastline, time zone, area and climate), people(population, growth rate, religions, languages, literacy, ethnic groups, nationality, sex ratio), government(official country name, capital, administrative divisions, government types, national holidays), economy(imports ,exports, fiscal year, currency, currency code), communication(telepho...
Guide4tie Guide4Tie is an application that presents you with step-by-step instructions on how to tie different types of necktie knots. You have to install the MIDP Java Profile on your Palm before running this application. It can be downloaded from sun for free at ...
Firefighter Call Training Log This software will allow the user to log all fire and other calls performed. In addition to date, time, type of call and apparatus you responded on, there is an area for any notes you may want to add. An area to sketch a picture of the incident is also available. The database can be called upon to show all calls or just the call category of your choice. It will calculate the number of each type of call entered and total calls done. There is also a database to log all your training. Date, topic and any other notes can be included. Your total training hours will be calculated automatically. Overtime and shift trade logs have also been added. Great application for a great price. ...
Don T Risk
Best Physical Condition Award Best Physical Condition Award...
Team Member Of The Week Team Member of the Week...
Birthday Bios Cd A great birthday tool! This program automatically generates personalized newspapers that list things like famous people who share a birthday, current prices during your birth year (bread, gas, milk, cars, housing, and average income), important events of that year, astrological information, and more! The output is displayed in a Happy Birthday To You type format, with a customizable messages. There will be free updates to account for new events and the passage of time available on our website atleast once a year. This is a demonstration version that does contain the full version, so just purchase a registration code and plug it in. Birthday Bios is great for Doctors, Lawyers, REALTORS, insurance agents or especially anyone who only sees their customers/clients a couple times per yea...
Business Reports Compilation of over 100 How-To reports, time-saving tips, personal self-help, and money-saving ideas for small business owners. Dozens of successful business people and over one hundred years of experience have contributed to this valuable collection. These reports are in Windows 9x Help format and indexed so you can find what you need. Locate the report you seek by retieving the title or searching for key words. Whether you're a work-at-home mom looking for ideas to start a home business or a seasoned business professional, you'll find something of value here. ...